Monday, 20 January 2014

Magazine Titles

- Forever young

- Simply Pink

- Teen gossip

- Teenage style mag

- Glam mag

- Wonderland!

- Teen chat

- Girls fashion monthly

- Girls own

- Glam life


-How to be the most popular girl in class

-How to get skinny

-How street wise are

-What are the best shoes for school ? find out here !

-Find out what boys like in a woman !

-Find out if your nose fits your face !

-Find that perfect outfit

-10 ways to find out if your friends are really trustworthy

-The top ten shades of pink nail varnish

-Top 5 rom-coms

Balance !

Symmetrical Magazine Cover - 

Asymmetrical Magazine Cover By Colour- 

Asymmetrical Magazine Cover -
Asymmetrical By Value - 
Asymmetrical By Balance - 

Friday, 10 January 2014


Modern: I chose this font because it was quite futuristic and showed a lot of modernistic traits for example the rounded edges at both ends of the words and exaggerated curves on the letters.

Kids: A sans serif style of writing that is used in a kids show and is in a mixture of lower and upper case letters which is generally what you would associate with a younger persons writing.

Sport: The serifs on the letters make it look like they are active as do the italics.

Masculine: I chose this one because it is sans serif, is bold and pointy edges that could be interpreted as aggressive.

Feminine: I chose this one because it is a light, serifed font which looks quite delicate and "pretty".

Sophisticated: I chose this one because it is serifed is quite big but thin and looks like broad sheet newspaper print.

Bold: I chose this one for bold simply because it is  bold and stands out.

History: I chose this one for history because it is serifed and triangular which is reminiscent of the art deco design movement which is a movement that is considered old and triangular.