Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Homework Photoshop Task - How To

How to replace an image with another on Photoshop :)

1) Open both images in Photoshop then drag the background layer from one image onto the other. The top layer will have the parts you want to keep and the bottom with the bits you want to paste on.

2) Select both layers in the image that you’re working on and click Edit > Auto-Align Layers and select Auto.
Photoshop will now align the two layers so that the images in both layers will be aligned on top of each other. To do this you need to have two images with very little difference between them and this image lined up pretty well as a result.

3) Click on the topmost layer and add a layer mask to it by clicking the Add Layer Mask icon at the foot of the Layers palette.
The mask is filled with white by default, which means that the entire content of the top layer is visible, and the bottom layer not visible at all.

4) Select black as your foreground colour and choose a soft edge brush. Target the mask by clicking on it so you’re painting on it and then paint over the object you want to cut out in the image to reveal the face from the layer image below.

5) You’ll need to make some small choices about how much of the layer below you reveal with the mask – if you take too much you can paint back on the mask with white to reveal the top layer again.

6) Finish by taking a critical look at the final image and, if necessary, adjust the mask or add a new layer and clone elements from the layers below to fine tune the image.

The entire process will not take long if you get used to Photoshop or know your way around it!

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